School News

Safer Internet Day

05/02/2019 14:51
Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and inspire a national conversation. Webwise...

Fun in the Snow

24/01/2019 16:28
The preschoolers loved being out in the snowy weather yesterday. 

Making Rice Krispie Buns in Preschool

23/01/2019 22:00
Cuteness alert! Some lovely pictures of the preschoolers enjoying making and eating Rick Krispie buns!!

Let's talk Speech Therapy Course

22/01/2019 18:43
We received this flyer about a Speech Therapy course for teachers, and parents of children with Autism, which may be of interest.

Mr. O'Donovan's Class Making One Change

13/01/2019 21:57
Mr. O'Donovan's class have made a very positive start to their New Year. They are taking part in the #makeonechange challenge, which was launched, by Donegal's Parent Hub, last week. Here are some...
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