Switch-Accessible Activities

We are often asked, by parents and teachers, which switch-accessible activities we use  in our classrooms at Little Angels School. So we have decided to make a list of our favourites. This list will be added to and updated from time to time. We hope you find it useful.

  • We use lots of switch-accessible software. This can be found  on our 'Useful Software' page.
  • Priory Woods Switch Videos: This is a collection of switch -accessible slideshows set to music. They are really popular in our school. These switch videos can be controlled by a switch and last about 30  seconds. In order for pupils to watch the slideshow again they have to press the switch. They are designed to help pupils develop an understanding of cause and effect. They are free to download. We have also purchased Slideshow Maker from Inclusive Technology which enables teachers to easily make their own switch videos tailored to their pupils' interests. The Priory Woods Switch videos were developed by the wonderful Ian Bean while he worked there. He now has his own website where he has some great free switch-accessible activities.
  • SEN Switcher is a suite of programs which have been designed to teach early ICT skills to pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties. They are suitable for any pupil learning how to use a computer. We find them really useful for our very young pupils also. It is free to either download or to use online and comes with a useful assessment pack.
  • Papunet This website has lots of switch-accessible activities. Our favourites are the Snail Game and the Frog Game
  • Shiny Learning: This site has some lovely switch activities which our children enjoy.

For assessment purposes we use the Switch Progression Road Map developed by Ian Bean which details every step of switch skills acquisition which is a great tool for planning and assessment.